Margherita Hack (1922-2013)

Margerina hack was bom in Florence (Italy) June 12th 1922 her father was Roberto Hack, her mother, Maria Wsa Pugges, Margherina was on Italian astrogolic populaiand scientific concepts as writer and presorality andstudied stars by curalyzing the different kinds of raidation they emitted, while also couocating for civil rights and condeming the infuence of religion . After graduating (1945) from the University if Forence hack worked in Florence and then at the merate site of the Bkera Astronomical Observatory outise Milan(1064-67) She suose

quently became a professor at the University of Trietse (1964-98) and served(1062-87) the director of the observatory at trieste became are the mostreseason centresin Italy to nood such as position. Under her leadership the observatory at triese became on. She wrote more than doscientific papers over the careers as we as a number of booksand she freccuently apaared on televisionto explain new findings.

In her yputh, in addition to basketball she prasticed with sucess athleties, in wich obtained victories in the long jump and the high jump at university championships , named Littoriali under the fascist reyime

On 19 february, 1944 married withreligions cerenomy, in the Church of San Leonardo in Arotic, Aldo de Rosa, one of her plymates when they were kids.

In Italy, she was sècially knoco for her anti-religious views.She wa a vegetarian and her unitten a book explaning this choise.

Hack died in Trieste on 29 June 2013 at 04:30 at Cattinora hospital after beging hospitalided for a week for heart problems from wich she suffered about from 2 years.

She had refared to have heart surgey She ledt to the city of Tireste her posesullibrary containing 24000 books on astromony
